Flood Relief Support
Dear Flood Relief Supporter,
July 2023
We have now closed the Bangalow Consulting Centre Flood Relief Fund. All monies and goods have been disbursed to families in need.
Universally, these families were extremely grateful for your support and concern and have regularly asked us to pass on their thanks. They are still busy rebuilding their lives and their homes
For those of us here at BCC, it has been extremely humbling and heartening to observe human nature in its warmest and most generous light.
Clearly, some of the sad and traumatic memories, arising from 2022 floods, will be remembered forever. As such, the need to listen and support this group, will never cease.
Thank you
BCC Staff

The McConnell’s
Hi, my name is Samantha. My family and I were recently affected, like many others, by the recent Northern NSW floods. My husband and I bought our home in Wardell 4 years ago where we have settled in quite nicely. I am a Registered Nurse, and my husband has just had a career change and had just started an apprenticeship only a few weeks before the flood. We are a young family with three beautiful children Jack (9), Sophie (7) and Lucy (4). Our home was damaged by the flood water and now requires major repairs so that we can live in it again. Some would say we have been through enough already with our daughter Sophie’s medical journey the past few years. We have worked very hard to get a foot into the soaring property market and were finally starting to be able to live the great Aussie dream of home ownership, having recently poured life savings, blood, sweat and tears into renovations. Unfortunately, we are not insured for flood damage, as locals told us to cancel after two years of paying the extra premiums – it “never” floods in Wardell. We now have to somehow beg and borrow to front the cost of the repairs needed to make our family home liveable again. In the meantime, we are effectively homeless and living with friends/family/housesitting. The kids’ school was also flooded.

The Crocket’s
Lani (5), Tahlia (3) and Marley (11months), along with their parents Loren and Lachlan have been deemed homeless due to the recent floods. They will be unable to return to their rental property in Wardell as it is now inhabitable. They are currently sharing a two-bedroom house with Loren’s mum and partner with seven of them under the one roof. They lost everything and only left home with their clothes.